Matuszak Hygiene

Pests and the transfer of resistant pathogens

Medical facilities

Risk of pest infestation in your industry?

Nosocomial infections have always played an important role in medical facilities and continue to cause serious problems for many patients. Hospital infections can have various causes. The ability of pests to act as vectors is often underestimated.

Rodents, cockroaches and flying insects are just a few examples of pests that carry a significant number of microorganisms on their bodies and can transport these into sometimes hygienically sensitive areas. When walking over contaminated surfaces, bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites adhere to their bodies and are thus passed on. It is important to note that pests do not differentiate between boiler rooms, waste areas, cable ducts or operating theaters. Their habitat constantly varies according to hiding places and food supply. In their search for food, they pass through several areas, some of which are heavily contaminated.

Due to this fact, the issue of MRSA and ESBL is increasingly becoming the focus of pest control. Due to the vehicle function of pests, in particular cockroaches, flies and rodents, these harmful germs can also enter areas that have already been disinfected and pose a non-negligible risk to patients and staff.

How We Solve Pest Problems

This highlights the importance of efficient pest management. Comprehensive monitoring supported by complete documentation helps to identify potential sources of pest transmission and is essential for medical facilities.

We help to identify potential sources of infestation and take targeted measures. We are supported by our own online documentation DocMaH.

With our pest control system, you make a significant contribution to limiting the spread of infections caused by pests.

Audit Assistance

Comprehensive service including immediate support during audits.

Legally Secure Documentation

Stress-free implementation of your compliance requirements

Tailored Solutions

The right, industry-specific strategy for your

Proactive Pest Monitoring

Expert monitoring, reporting, and analysis.

Industries We Serve

Smarter Service for Your Company, e.g.

Pharma and Cosmetics

Protect your products and reputation with our specialized pest management for pharmaceutical and cosmetic facilities.

Food and Feed

Ensure the integrity of your food and feed products with our proactive pest monitoring.

Industrial Production

Keep your production lines running smoothly and pest-free with our proactive, digitally supported monitoring and control measures.

Chemical Industry

Protect your chemical manufacturing processes and products from contamination risks with our expert solutions.


Maintain product quality and compliance standards for packaging materials and logistics facilities with our comprehensive pest management services.


Client References

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Direct support during the audit

An important pillar of our service is the preparation and direct support during audits. Such inspections always present a challenge for companies, as the preparation requires a significant amount of time and lack of knowledge can easily result in a deviation. To save our clients this valuable time and to guarantee them an audit without deviations in pest control, we offer direct support. In this regard, we can rely on our unique online documentation, DocMaH.

Support with many benefits

Control and documentation

An essential component of the entire pest management system is the interaction between pest control and documentation. Pest monitoring and control documentation complement each other, thus leading to a seamless system. The focus here is on clear and easily understandable traceability. Documentation can be done individually and can vary at any time, either on paper or using our online documentation (DocMaH). 

DocMaH: Pest Management, Validatable according to GAMP® 5

For the industry, uncomplicated and practical pest control is essential. With the increasing importance of a unified standard in pest management, the requirements for documentation software are also rising. This has motivated us to develop and operate our own online documentation in collaboration with software and documentation experts. Tailored to all the demanding central requirements as well as your individual needs – secure, compliant with data protection regulations, and hosted on German servers. DocMaH is unique nationwide, developed and operated by us!

As-Is Analysis, Target Concept, and Suitable Monitoring

To ensure effective pest control, a risk assessment and hazard analysis of the facility are conducted, considering all factors that favor pest infestation. Based on the evaluations, a pest monitoring system for continuous infestation control is installed. This system is based on the factors resulting from the hazard analysis and risk assessment and is flexibly adjusted to local changes.

Customized Pest Management System

Our pest management system encompasses the comprehensive consideration of all factors crucial for maintaining permanent freedom from pests. The focus here is always on pest prevention in conjunction with seamless pest monitoring. These two components are crucial for minimizing treatments and preventing infestations from occurring in the first place.


Based on the evaluation of the risk assessment and hazard analysis, a comprehensive pest monitoring system for continuous infestation control is installed. This system is based on the factors resulting from the hazard analysis and risk assessment and must be flexibly adjusted due to local changes. 


A primary goal of our pest management is to minimize the use of chemical control measures and prioritize biological, biotechnical, and physical methods. If chemical control is necessary, only approved and selective biocides are used, which have minimal impact on humans and the environment.